Автор Тема: Инфо: Разпределение на зоните в играта (коя на кой е).  (Прочетена 2631 пъти)

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Разпределение на "земята" (източник: World Of Warcraft . com)
(формат - зона, лвл, фракция, забележка)


Elwynn Forest 1-10 Alliance Human Starting
Dun Morogh 1-10 Alliance Dwarf/Gnome Starting
Tirisfal Glades 1-10 Horde Undead Starting
Loch Modan 10-20 Alliance Dwarf Favored
Silverpine Forest 10-20 Horde Undead Favored
Westfall 10-20 Alliance Human Favored
Redridge Mountains 15-25 Contested Alliance Favored
Duskwood 18-30 Contested Alliance Favored
Hillsbrad Foothills 20-30 Contested
Wetlands 20-30 Contested Alliance Favored
Alterac Mountains 30-40 Contested
Arathi Highlands 30-40 Contested
Stranglethorn Vale 30-45 Contested
Badlands 35-45 Contested
Swamp of Sorrows 35-45 Contested
The Hinterlands 40-50 Contested
Searing Gorge 43-50 Contested
The Blasted Lands 45-55 Contested
Burning Steppes 50-58 Contested
Western Plaguelands 51-58 Contested
Eastern Plaguelands 53-60 Contested
Deadwind Pass 55-60 Contested


Durotar 1-10 Horde Orc/Troll Starting
Mulgore 1-10 Horde Tauren Starting
Darkshore 10-20 Alliance Night Elf Favored
The Barrens 10-25 Horde Horde Favored
Stonetalon Mountains 15-27 Contested Horde Favored
Ashenvale Forest 18-30 Contested Alliance Favored
Thousand Needles 25-35 Contested Horde Favored
Desolace 30-40 Contested Horde Favored
Dustwallow Marsh 35-45 Contested
Feralas 40-50 Contested
Tanaris Desert 40-50 Contested
Azshara 45-55 Contested
Felwood 48-55 Contested
Un'Goro Crater 48-55 Contested
Silithus 55-60 Contested
Winterspring 53-60 Contested


Teldrassil 1-10 Alliance Night Elf Starting