Автор Тема: EVOWOW Server Maintenance 2013-08-10  (Прочетена 8405 пъти)

0 Потребители и 1 Гост преглежда(т) тази тема.

Неактивен admin

  • Owner
  • Challenger
  • *****
  • Публикации: 11572
  • EVO Karma: 316
  • Think of will!
    • Peycho's Blog - Think of will!
  • ISP: AWS
  • Герой: Alein
EVOWOW Server Maintenance 2013-08-10
« -: Август 10, 2013, 12:48:49 am »

Около 01ч. през ноща, сървърът ще бъде спрян за профилактика и обновяване.
Очаква се да бъде offline около час. Моля бъдете търпеливи и изчакайте обновяването на приключи.

Ще Ви уведомя в тази тема когато всичко е готово.
Благодаря за търпението.

Fix: Error with counting AB owned nodes.
Fix: DoTs and self damage will no longer reset time since last damage taken for stopping creature from evading
Fix: Quest The Nightmare Manifests
Fix: Quest Hope Within the Emerald Nightmare
Fix: Quest The Boon of Remulos
Fix: Quest The Keeper's Favor
Fix: Quest Walking Legend
Add: Script for Witch Doctor Zum'rah
Add: Script for Meridith the Mermaiden
Fix: Quest Free at last!
Fix: Exploit where players would be able to reset the cooldown of items to the equip cooldown (30 seconds) when unequipping, equipping and then relogging.
Remove: Unlimited charges from Jillian's Tonic of Stoneblood
Fix: Achievement Back Door Job
Scripts/HoR Fixes: Fixed Intro timers, Fixed mobs aggro, Fixed General's shield trow, Added Jaina / Sylvannas / Lich King escape event
Fix: Naz'Anak: The Forgotten Depths
Fix: Quest Into the Wild Green Yonder
Fix: Quest The Last Line Of Defense and script Argent Cannons
Update: Drak Tharon Keep
Fix: Quest Killing Two Scourge With One Skeleton
Fix: Quest Fueling the Project
Fix: Quest Strengthen the Ancients
Fix: Quest See You on the Other Side
Fix: Quest Jin'arrak's End (12152)
Fix: Quest From Whence They Came
Fix: Quest Magic Carpet Ride
Fix: Faction of Seeping Ooze
Add: Script for Itharius
Fix: Quest The Conquest Pit
Fix: infinite spawn in quest You Are Rakh'Likh, Demon
Fix: Quest Blood in the Water
Fix: Quest Tokens of the Descendants
Fix: Quest Jormuttar is Soo Fat
Add: Scripts for Onslaught NPCs
Fix: Quest Where in the World is Hemet Nesingwary?
Add: Script for NPC Arch Mage Xintor
Fix: Lots of system problems.
« Последна редакция: Август 10, 2013, 01:19:05 am от admin »
A systems programmer will know what to do when society breaks down, because the systems programmer already lives in a world without laws.

EVOWOW Private Wow Server
WOTLK Database

Неактивен admin

  • Owner
  • Challenger
  • *****
  • Публикации: 11572
  • EVO Karma: 316
  • Think of will!
    • Peycho's Blog - Think of will!
  • ISP: AWS
  • Герой: Alein
Re: EVOWOW Server Maintenance 2013-08-10
« Отговор #1 -: Август 10, 2013, 01:42:40 am »
Ъпдейта приключи.

Сървъра е ON.
A systems programmer will know what to do when society breaks down, because the systems programmer already lives in a world without laws.

EVOWOW Private Wow Server
WOTLK Database