Автор Тема: [GUIDE] Wrath Zone Leveling Guide  (Прочетена 5727 пъти)

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[GUIDE] Wrath Zone Leveling Guide
« -: Юли 03, 2013, 09:14:20 pm »
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Name Level Faction

Major Cities
Darnassus    1 - 80 Alliance
Orgrimmar    1 - 80 Horde
The Exodar    1 - 80 Alliance
Thunder Bluff    1 - 80 Horde

Silithus   55 - 60   Contested
Winterspring   53 - 60   Contested
Azshara   48 - 55   Contested
Felwood   48 - 55   Contested
Un'Goro Crater   48 - 55   Contested
Feralas   40 - 50   Contested
Tanaris   40 - 50   Contested
Dustwallow Marsh   35 - 45   Contested
Desolace   30 - 40   Contested
Thousand Needles   25 - 35   Contested
Ashenvale   18 - 30   Contested
Stonetalon Mountains   15 - 27   Contested
The Barrens   10 - 25   Horde
Bloodmyst Isle   10 - 20   Alliance
Darkshore   10 - 20   Alliance
Azuremyst Isle   1 - 10   Alliance
Durotar   1 - 10   Horde
Mulgore   1 - 10   Horde
Teldrassil   1 - 10   Alliance
The Veiled Sea   1 - 10   Contested
GM Island    Contested
Moonglade    Contested

Eastern Kingdoms

Major Cities
Name Level Faction

Ironforge    1 - 80    Alliance
Silvermoon City    1 - 80 Horde
Stormwind City    1 - 80 Alliance
Undercity    1 - 80    Horde

Isle of Quel'Danas   70   Contested
Deadwind Pass   55 - 60   Contested
Eastern Plaguelands   53 - 60   Contested
Blackrock Mountain   52 - 60   Contested
Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave   55 - 58   Contested
Western Plaguelands   51 - 58   Contested
Burning Steppes   50 - 58   Contested
Blasted Lands   45 - 55   Contested
The Hinterlands   45 - 50   Contested
Searing Gorge   43 - 50   Contested
Badlands   35 - 45   Contested
Swamp of Sorrows   35 - 45   Contested
Stranglethorn Vale   30 - 45   Contested
Alterac Mountains   30 - 40   Contested
Arathi Highlands   30 - 40   Contested
Hillsbrad Foothills   20 - 30   Contested
Wetlands   20 - 30   Contested
Duskwood   18 - 30   Contested
Redridge Mountains   15 - 25   Contested
Ghostlands   10 - 20   Horde
Loch Modan   10 - 20   Alliance
Silverpine Forest   10 - 20   Horde
Westfall   10 - 20   Alliance
Dun Morogh   1 - 10   Alliance
Elwynn Forest   1 - 10   Alliance
Eversong Woods   1 - 10   Horde
Tirisfal Glades   1 - 10   Horde


Major Cities
Name Level Faction

Shattrath City   1 - 80    Sanctuary


Shadowmoon Valley    67 - 70    Contested
Netherstorm    68 - 70    Contested
Blade's Edge Mountains   65 - 68   Contested
Nagrand    64 - 68    Contested
Terokkar Forest    62 - 64    Contested
Hellfire Peninsula 58 - 60    Contested
Zangarmarsh    60 - 63    Contested


Major Cities
Name Level Faction

Dalaran    1 - 80 Sanctuary


Crystalsong Forest 80    Contested
Wintergrasp    80    World PvP   
Hrothgar's Landing 77 - 80   Contested
Icecrown    77 - 80   Contested
The Storm Peaks 77 - 80   Contested
Sholazar Basin    75 - 80   Contested
Dragonblight    71 - 80   Contested
Zul'Drak 73 - 77   Contested
Grizzly Hills    73 - 75   Contested
Borean Tundra    70 - 72   Contested
Howling Fjord    68 - 72   Contested



Wrath of the Lich King
Icecrown Citadel: Halls of Reflection   80
Icecrown Citadel: Pit of Saron   80
Icecrown Citadel: The Forge of Souls   80
Crusaders' Coliseum: Trial of the Champion   78 - 80
Caverns of Time: The Culling of Stratholme    79
The Nexus: The Oculus   79   
Ulduar: Halls of Lightning   79   
Utgarde Keep: Utgarde Pinnacle   79   
Ulduar: Halls of Stone   77 - 78
Gundrak   76 - 78
The Violet Hold   75 - 77   
Drak'Tharon Keep   74 - 76   
Azjol-Nerub: Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom   73 - 75
Azjol-Nerub: Azjol-Nerub   72 - 74
The Nexus: The Nexus   71 - 73   
Utgarde Keep: Utgarde Keep   69 - 72   

Burning Crusade
Caverns of Time: The Black Morass   68 - 70
Magisters' Terrace   68 - 70
Tempest Keep: The Arcatraz   68 - 70
Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth   67 - 70
Coilfang Reservoir: The Steamvault   67 - 70
Hellfire Citadel: The Shattered Halls   67 - 70
Tempest Keep: The Botanica   67 - 70   
Tempest Keep: The Mechanar   67 - 70   
Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls   67 - 68   
Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad Foothills   66 - 68   
Auchindoun: Auchenai Crypts   65 - 67   
Auchindoun: Mana-Tombs   64 - 66   
Coilfang Reservoir: The Underbog   63 - 65   
Coilfang Reservoir: The Slave Pens   62 - 64   
Hellfire Citadel: The Blood Furnace   61 - 63   5
Hellfire Citadel: Hellfire Ramparts   59 - 62   

Dire Maul   55 - 65   5-player
Scholomance   55 - 65   5-player
Stratholme   55 - 65   5-player
Blackrock Spire   57 - 63   5-player
Blackrock Depths   53 - 56   5-player
Sunken Temple   47 - 50   5-player
Maraudon   45 - 48   5-player   
Zul'Farrak   43 - 46   5-player   
Uldaman   37 - 40   5-player   
Razorfen Downs   34 - 37   5-player   
Scarlet Monastery   32 - 35   5-player   
Gnomeregan   25 - 28   5-player
Razorfen Kraul   24 - 27   5-player
The Stockade   22 - 25   5-player
Blackfathom Deeps   21 - 24   5-player
Shadowfang Keep   18 - 21   5-player
The Deadmines   17 - 20   5-player
Wailing Caverns   17 - 20   5-player
Ragefire Chasm   15 - 16   5-player   



Wrath of the Lich King
Crusaders' Coliseum: Trial of the Crusader   80 10/25-player   
Icecrown Citadel    80 10/25-player   
Naxxramas   80 10/25-player   
Onyxia's Lair   80   10/25-player   
The Nexus: The Eye of Eternity   80 10/25-player   
Ulduar   80 10/25-player
Vault of Archavon   80 10/25-player
Wyrmrest Temple: The Obsidian Sanctum   80   10/25-player
Wyrmrest Temple: The Ruby Sanctum   80 10/25-player

Burning Crusade
Zul'Aman   70 10-player
Black Temple   70   25-player   
Caverns of Time: Hyjal Summit   70   25-player
Coilfang Reservoir: Serpentshrine Cavern   70   25-player
Gruul's Lair   70   25-player
Hellfire Citadel: Magtheridon's Lair   70   25-player
Karazhan   70   10-player
Sunwell Plateau   70   25-player
Tempest Keep: The Eye   70   25-player

Zul'Gurub    60 40-player
Blackwing Lair   60   40-player
Molten Core   60    40-player
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj   60   20-player
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj   60   40-player

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Re: [GUIDE] Wrath Zone Leveling Guide
« Отговор #1 -: Юли 04, 2013, 09:01:39 am »
GM Island    Contested
Като те плясна! :freak:

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Re: [GUIDE] Wrath Zone Leveling Guide
« Отговор #2 -: Юли 04, 2013, 10:40:30 am »
А тожа за алиаса ли или за хордата?

Най - мразим някой да ми умнее!